Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Sorry for not posting for a while, but since I had no money to pay for an internetcafe, this is my first opportunity, really...
I didn't do that much lately, going to school, coming back, have dinner with my housemates, watch a movie, stuff like that.

I'm @Jeroens place now, and we're heading off to temple bar soon if I'm not mistaken.
Butttttt, I have some pictures for you, here they come:

My last night in Cork with April and Ann:

My housemates:
me, Sandra, Geraldine and Nacho

Anna, Sandra, Carmen


Geraldine, Carmen and some drunk guy...

Jameson distillery:

Before the tasting; 5 glasses of whiskey

And after the tasting ^^

Dinner with Hanna

A very curious object in the museum at the Boyne Valley...

Claire, our tourguide:

Boyne Valley:

My new teacher, Sean:

Some pictures Marta send me of our night out in Cork:

Well, we're gonna run now, see or we can still get in to the Mezz!!!


Niki Sixx said...
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Niki Sixx said...

Boohoo, you're so pretty, I wanna kiss you. :(

jessica said...

balen van al je spullen zeg getverdemme das een dikke zwarte wolk boven je hoofd maar dat je een loser bent dat snap ik niet zo helemaal staat ook reuze ongezellig hoor al die rode stickers op je blog! ben benieuwd naar je foto's! kusss